Just a quick post about my eventful weekend. The 24 hour GI bug decided to hit me like a freight train at about 4:00am on Saturday. It woke me up from a dead sleep and just kept coming. I spent most of the day on Saturday posted up on the couch. I finally started to feel better late Saturday, and was able to sleep through the night.
By Sunday I was feeling 100% and Cam and I decided to go to an early movie, totally recommend seeing the LEGO movie. It was great! By dinner time on Sunday Cam started to not feel very great, and then BAM, the bug hit him as well. He spent the entire night in the recliner and was up about every hour, which means I was up about every hour as well. Needless to say, couches are not the most comfortable place to sleep for most of the weekend.
We have officially survived the disgustingness of the GI bug together, which I think is a milestone in any relationship. If you can survive a weekend listening to each other throw up, buying ginger ale, and all while sharing a bathroom it's safe to say it's a real relationship.
Now back to sleeping in a bed, and getting into a routine of things.....oh an wiping EVERYTHING down with Clorox wipes and bleach.