Monday, September 28, 2015

moving weekend

This weekend was the much anticipated moving day! We wrangled up some friends with trucks and moved most of our stuff from our townhouse to the new house.

We spent Friday packing up the last of our kitchen and our clothes. It was very odd to sleep in a townhouse full of boxes and empty dressers/closets. Saturday morning rolled around and we needed some more boxes to finish up the last of the packing.

Lunchtime came and the guys were moving machines. We finally got to walk on our newly refinished hardwood floors-which were treated extremely delicately when it came to heavy furniture. I supplied them with Coke and pizza once all the heavy lifting was done.

Once all the boxes were allocated to the correct rooms-the unpacking process began. I honestly don't know which is worse...unpacking or packing. I have successfully unpacked the master bedroom and most of the kitchen over the weekend. This week I will probably focus on the living room, bathroom and guest bedroom. We need to purchase a few things like some bathroom storage, a dining room table, new light bulbs, and a new shower head. The joys of moving!

As you can see our fur baby has had no issues adjusting to the new house. He made himself right at home on his cozy bed.

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