Tuesday, February 24, 2015

restart. refresh. reset.

It has been a long time since my last blog post. In fact since my last post, the temperature has dropped about 60˚ and the blogged missed the ENTIRE season of fall. So let’s get reacquainted shall we!

August: I moved into a new place with my boyfriend, but I was still working at my old job. To save you the math, that means I was driving a total of 139.8 miles each day to get to and from work. Needless to say that didn't last long and I began commuting three days per week and teleworking the other two.

September/October: Even with the commute cut short to three days it was still a haul up and down the interstate, not to mention the cost of filling up your gas tank every two days. That was rough. I still continued the job hunt and was successful in landing some interviews at the company that I wanted to work for, but never really for positions that I truly thought I would enjoy. I took a week long vacation with my family to the beach. I also went to California for a wedding... maybe I should post about it since I have so many pictures. For now here are some to look at. 

November: Finally getting into a routine with commuting and cohabitation. At this point I had an interview at the company I wanted to work for, AND it was a position I could see myself working in for a while. A few days after the interview I got an email saying I was hired and that I needed to fill out new employee paperwork! I knew I still had to commute for 30 days since that was my old company’s termination policy.  I kept trucking….literally down the highway every day to and from work for the entire month of November.

December: After all the excitement of the Thanksgiving holiday died down I was beyond ready to start my new job. Monday December 8th rolled around and I was so eager to get up (even though it was at 6:30) for new employee orientation. The entire month of December felt like a whirlwind trying to learn a new job while most of the company was taking off for the upcoming holidays.

January/February: The New Year started off awesome because I went to the Winter Classic in Washington D.C. at Nationals Park on New Year’s Day! Best Christmas present EVER! I also decided to begin another “project 365” resolution. Project 365 is where you take a photo of something that represents something you did that day. In order to see my project unfold you can visit my other blog here

That's about it on the home front since August. I promise to write more often on this blog instead of giving all my attention to the other blog. 

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